Hindistan, "Advanced Technology Vessel" projesi dahilinde inşa ettiği ilk nükleer saldırı denizaltısı "Chakra"'yı Ağustos ayında denize indiriyor.
Chakra'nın, Proje 971 Akula tasarımı baz alınarak geliştirildiği belirtiliyor. Aynı tipteki "Nerpa" adlı denizaltı Rusya'dan kiralanmış, ancak devir teslimden hemen önce gerçekleşen bir kaza sonucu 20 denizci hayatını kaybetmişti. Nerpa'nın, onarımını müteakiben bu sene sonunda Hint DzK'ne teslim edilmesi söz konusu.
Eğer aşağıdaik haberde belirtildiği gibi ATV projesinin ilk denizaltısına gerçekten de Chakra adı verilecekse, Hint DzK'de üç adet "Chakra" hizmete girmiş olacak:
1. Chakra (I): Ocak 1988 - Ocak 1991 tarihleri arasında SSCB'den kiralanan, Proje 670A Skat (NATO kod adı: Charlie) tipi K-43 denizaltısı. Bu denizaltıya Hint DzK, Proje 06709 kodunu vermişti,
2. Chakra (II): 2009 - 2019 yılları arasında kullanılmak üzere kiralanan ancak transferden önce, 09.11.2008 tarihinde yangın geçiren, Proje 971A Nerpa (NATO kod adı Akula II) tipi K-152 Nerpa denizaltısı,
3. Chakra (III): Advanced Technology Vessel projesi ile üretilen ilk Hint yapımı denizaltı. Habere göre bu denizaltı, Rus Proje 971 Şçuka (NATO kod adı "Akula I") tasarımını baz alıyor.
Hindistan'ın uzun vadeli hedefi, toplam 5 adet ATV sınıfı SSN inşa etmek.
July 11, 2009
India's home-built nuke sub
Vessel set to launch before Aug 15, but sea trials another 1-1/2 years away
By Ravi Velloor, South Asia Bureau Chief
NEW DELHI - INDIA'S home-built nuclear submarine will make its first splash shortly, certainly before Prime Minister Manmohan Singh addresses the nation on Aug 15, people familiar with the plans said.
'The original idea was for the PM to finish his independence day speech and then travel to Vizag to launch the submarine,' a senior official told The Straits Times, using the abbreviation for Vishakhapatnam, a city on India's eastern seaboard.
'But that was not considered feasible. So we are planning the event a few days ahead of that, depending on the PM's schedule.'
The launch of the nuclear-powered submarine will mark a milestone in the super-secret Advanced Technology Vessel (ATV) programme and is the first step to completing India's nuclear triad: the ability to launch nuclear missiles from the air, land and now, sea.
Alongside that, India has been testing its sea-launched ballistic missiles.
'The August launch is essentially to float the tub in the dock,' sources said. 'Sea trials are still another 18 months away, but we are fully confident of the machine.'
Defence Minister A.K. Antony said in February that the project was in its final stages. 'Some years back, there were some bottlenecks in terms of supply of parts. It is over now. We will announce the vessel's launch whenever it is ready.'
The ATV programme charter is believed to be for an initial three submarines, probably the size of 6,000 tonnes each. It garners the combined resources of more than two dozen government and private organisations. Started in the 1970s, the trickiest part of the project was apparently to design the miniaturised nuclear reactor, for which some help came from Russia. The 100MW electrical reactor is said to use highly enriched uranium.
People familiar with the plans said the design includes several measures to prevent nuclear radiation in the event of a lethal accident. Two decades ago, Moscow loaned India a Charlie-class nuclear submarine so it could gain experience with nuclear submarines. That vessel joined the Indian Navy as the INS Chakra.
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