
Alenia, Avioane'yi Satın Almaktan Vazgeçti

Romanya'nın devlete bağlı havacılık şirketi Avioane'nin, İtalyan Alenia tarafından satın alınması gündemdeydi ve bir süredir iki firma arasında görüşmeler devam ediyordu. Romanya kaynaklı son gelen haberlere göre Alenia görüşmelerden çekilmiş. Gerekçe, İtalyan şirketin, Avioane'nin borçlarını devralmak istememesi. Daha önce de şirketin Çek Cum. Aero Vodochody'ye satışı gündemdeydi ancak görüşmeler başarısızlıkla sonuçlanmıştı. Yanılmıyorsam Alenia'nın Avioane teklifi, İtalyan HvK Tranche I EF-2000'lerinin Romanya'ya düşük bedelle satışını da kapsamaktaydı.

İflasın eşiğinde olan Avioane firmasının hizmet ve ürünleri arasında, 1970'li yıllarda eski Yugoslavya ile müşterek geliştirilen IAR-93 jet taarruz uçağı, ilk uçuşunu 1997 yılında yapan IAR-99 Soim jet eğitim uçağı ile sivil havacılığa yönelik küçük ölçekli parça üretimi ve bakım hizmetleri yer alıyor.

Alenia would not take Avioane Craiova with debts

Avioane Craiova's historical debts seem to make it unsaleable, as for almost one year two major international aircraft manufacturers have been refusing to take it over. Identical to the request of the Czechs from Aero Vodochody, Alenia Aeronautica has also asked to take over the factory in Craiova without fiscal obligations. But this is not possible.

"The memorandum submitted by the Authority for State Assets Recovery (AVAS) to the Government, which required the elaboration of a special law that would subsequently be approved as state aid, was doomed to fail. The Executive refused, indicating AVAS to observe the framework laws," sources within AVAS told the "Curierul Naţional", pointing out that the Authority found itself obliged to require, with prior consultation of the European Commission, the change of the privatisation strategy for Avioane Craiova.

"The new strategy will try to find the optimal recovery method and to create the necessary framework for this to be achieved successfully. Moreover, the strategy will also include the request for a State aid for the company, if this will be approved by the European Commission", reads a press release submitted to the press.

According to the release, the decision was taken "following the fact that the validity of the privatisation tender for SC Avioane Craiova SA expired on Friday, 31 July 2009, without AVAS and Alenia Aeronautica having reached an agreement on the finalisation of the transaction. At the same time, by GD 763/2009, AVAS was mandated to continue the privatisation process of SC Avioane Craiova SA, in the name of and on behalf of the Ministry of Economy, until 14 October 2009. Some of the requests included in the final improved and irrevocable offer submitted by Alenia Aeronautica refer to the annulment of the historical debts of the Romanian state and the takeover by the Romanian state of the expenses related to employee redundancy. "A possible annulment of the historical debts of the Romanian state and the takeover by the Romanian state of the expenses related to employee redundancy must be notified to all potential tenderers, through the presentation file, and AVAS must obtain, following a notification, the favourable opinion of the EC," reads the AVAS release.

In the autumn of last year, Aero Vodochody wanted a guarantee from the Romanian state that, between the date of contract signature and date of transfer of ownership, Avioane Craiova SA would not enter bankruptcy, as well as that, between the date of signature and the finalisation date, AVAS would achieve a restructuring programme, including collective redundancy of employees.

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