Reuters kaynaklı habere göre Fas'ın, Fransa'da 12 - 18 Rafale savaş uçağı tedariği gündemde. Alımın Suudi Arabistan tarafından finanse edileceği bildirilmiş. Haberde alımı tetikleyen etken olarak Cezayir'in Rusya'dan 60 adet MiG-29SMT savaş uçağı alması gösterilmiş.
Fransız hava ve deniz kuvvetleri için geliştirilen Rafale'nin henüz bir ihrac başarısı bulunmuyor. Favori olduğu Güney Kore ihalesinde F-15K Slam Eagle, Singapur ihalesinde de F-15T karşısında yenilgiye uğramıştı. Uzun süredir konuşulan Suudi Arabistan ilgisi söylentisi de, bu ülkenin İngiltere ile Eurofighter Typhoon anlaşması imzalaması nedeniyle ortadan kalktı.
Dassault may sell Rafale jets to Morocco – report
PARIS (Reuters) - Morocco could buy between 12 and 18 Rafale combat jets from Dassault Aviation in a deal that could be funded by Saudi Arabia, French daily La Tribune reports in a story due to appear in its Wednesday edition.
A copy of the story was circulated to media organizations on Tuesday.
Dassault Aviation could not be immediately reached for comment.
Citing industrial sources, La Tribune said Morocco was eager to beef up its air defense after Algeria bought over 60 Russian combat jets.
If a deal were sealed, Morocco would become the first export customer of the Rafale, which has lost to rivals in tenders in the Netherlands, South Korea and Singapore, the paper said.
PARIS (Reuters) - Morocco could buy between 12 and 18 Rafale combat jets from Dassault Aviation in a deal that could be funded by Saudi Arabia, French daily La Tribune reports in a story due to appear in its Wednesday edition.
A copy of the story was circulated to media organizations on Tuesday.
Dassault Aviation could not be immediately reached for comment.
Citing industrial sources, La Tribune said Morocco was eager to beef up its air defense after Algeria bought over 60 Russian combat jets.
If a deal were sealed, Morocco would become the first export customer of the Rafale, which has lost to rivals in tenders in the Netherlands, South Korea and Singapore, the paper said.
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