
Cezayir'e Rusya'dan İki Yeni Denizaltı

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Bugün Rus Kommersant gazetesi tarafından duyurulan habere göre Cezayir, Rusya'dan iki adet Proje 636 geliştirilmiş Kilo tipi denizaltı satın alıyor. Toplam yaklaşık 400 milyon dolarlık anlaşmanın bu yıl içinde imzalanması bekleniyor.

Cezayir Rusya'dan daha önce ilki 1987, ikincisi 1988'de hizmete giren iki adet Proje 877E (Kilo) tipi denizaltı satın almıştı. 012 "Reis Hac Mübarek" ve 013 "El Hadi Slimane" isimli bu denizaltılar uzun süredir ıskarta durumundaydı. Söz konusu 877E'lerin modernizasyonu ile ilgili kararın da bu sene içerisinde verilmesi bekleniyor.

Söz konusu Kommersant haberi:

Algeria Buys 2 More Submarines from Russia

Russia is to sell two 636 Project submarines to Algeria for $400 million. Vladimir Alexandrov, director general of Admiralty Shipyard, said yesterday the contract is to be signed in June. The deal was to be struck during Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Algeria back in March, but the contract negotiations broke down.
Admiralty Shipyard’s director general Vladimir Alexandrov reported yesterday an agreement had been reached to deliver two modernized Project 636 submarines (Kilo, in NATO’s classification), fitted with latest electronics. The construction of the first vessel is to start this year. Sources of Kommersant in the Russian military industry doubt that the contract will be signed in June but are quite certain that it will be concluded by the end of 2006.

Project 636 is a modernized submarine of the 877EKM Varshavyanka class which was exported to seven countries in the 1980s-1990s. Algeria has operated vessels of a similar type: Admiralty Shipyard built two 877EKs for the country back in 1987-1988. These submarines are to be refitted in Russia and Algeria soon.

One 636-class submarine is estimated at $180-200 million. Admiralty Shipyard delivered five submarine of this type to the Chinese Navy between 2004 and 2006 under the $1.8 billion contract between Rosoboronexport, Russia’s arms export monopolist, and China in 2002 on the construction of eight submarines.

The contract with Algeria was to be signed during Vladimir Putin’s visit to the country on March 10. $7.7 billion-worth agreements were signed then to supply Algeria with fighters, training jets, anti-missile aircraft systems, tanks and other armaments. However, the contract on the submarines was not drawn up.

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