
İngiltere Askeri Pilot Eğitim Sistemini Özelleştirdi

Lockheed Martin ve VT Group ortak girişimi olan Ascent, İngiliz Savunma Bakanlığı (Ministry of Defence – MoD) ile 635 milyon Pound’luk bir anlaşma imzaladı. Kapsadığı süre olan 25 yılın sonunda toplma bedelinin 6 milyar Pound’a ulaşması beklenen anlaşma, İngiliz Silahlı Kuvvetleri’nde hizmet verecek tüm askeri pilotların eğitimini kapsıyor.

Son yılların en geniş kapsamlı özel sektör girişimi (PFI – Private Finance Initiative) olan ve “UK Military Flying Training System – UKMFTS” (Birleşik Krallık Askeri Uçuş Eğitim Sistemi) adı verilen proje kapsamında, İngiliz Kraliyet Deniz Kuvvetleri (Royal Navy), Kraliyet Hava Kuvvetleri (Royal Air Force) ve Kara Havacılık Ordusu (Army Air Corps) bünyesinde görev yapacak pilotların eğitimi, Ascent ve MoD işbirliği ile verilecek. Dolayısıyla bu proje ile, bu üç kuvvetin pilot eğitim sistemleri ortak bir çatı altında toplanmış olmakta.

Proje kapsamında MoD’un Ascent’e karşı sorumluluğu, eğitim koşul ve isterleri ile havaalanı, yakıt ve eğitmen pilot sağlanması şeklinde belirlenmiş. Ascent ise Training Management Information System (Eğitim Yönetim Bilgi Sistemi) vasıtası ile verilecek eğitimin kapsam ve içeriği ile yönetilmesi, işletilmesi ve gerekli uçak ve simülatörlerin tedariğinden sorumlu olacak. Eğitim; pilotun filosuna teslim oluşuna kadarki süreci kapsayacak.

Ascent Signs Contract With MoD for New UK Military Flight Training System

LONDON | Ascent, a joint venture of Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) and VT Group, has today signed the contract which will see it provide military flying training to the UK Armed Forces for the next 25 years. The initial contract is valued at 635 million pounds Sterling and is projected to rise to approximately 6 billion pounds over the life of the programme.

The contract makes Ascent responsible for running the UK Military Flying Training System (UKMFTS) programme, providing comprehensive training to all new UK military aircrew across the Royal Navy, the Royal Air Force and the Army Air Corps.

Minister for Defence Equipment and Support, Baroness Taylor, said: "The partnering contract with Ascent brings together MoD and industry skills to deliver a first class flying training capability. It will significantly improve training for Royal Navy, Royal Air Force and Army aircrew by bringing together the current range of fragmented training schemes into one modern and cohesive programme."

Fred Ross of Lockheed Martin has been named managing director of Ascent and Ken Cornfield of VT Support Services will serve as Ascent deputy managing director.

Under UKMFTS, the MoD maintains the training output requirements and standards whilst providing elements such as airfields, fuel and instructors. Ascent will design the overall system and deliver the training capability including delivering a proven Training Management Information System and the procurement of aircraft platforms and simulators.

"UKMFTS is a model private-public initiative that will enable us to work with the Ministry of Defence for the next two and a half decades, providing tailored solutions that will optimise the capabilities of UK aircrews," said Dale Bennett, president of Lockheed Martin Simulation, Training&Support.

Ascent will take over the role on an incremental basis to ensure minimal disruption to the current training programme. Additional contracts detailing future services and purchases will be announced as the programme progresses. The training covers the period following Aircrew Selection up to the point the students leave UKMFTS ready to fly in their operational aircraft.

VT chief executive, Paul Lester said: "Our background in flying training extends over 70 years. As part of Ascent, we will utilise that experience and work closely with the Ministry of Defence to deliver new standards in flying training that will further enhance the world leading capability of UK aircrew."

Ascent's selection as UKMFTS Training System Partner in November 2006 followed a competition to select a partner who would harness the collective skills of the MoD and industry. Ascent will work with the MoD over the life of the programme to design, deliver and manage ground and flying training at multiple locations across the UK.

Lockheed Martin UK chief executive, Ian Stopps said: "The key to this programme is a successful partnership that will provide 25 years of exacting training for UK aircrews. Ascent and MoD will work together to ensure UK air crews remain amongst the most highly-trained and respected in the world."

Lockheed Martin and VT have a wealth of experience of flying training and aircraft support in the UK and around the world. VT currently operates the RAF Tucano logistics and maintenance programme (Tucano Total Support programme) and the Light Aircraft Flying Training programme. Lockheed Martin annually provides training for more than 20,000 aircrew, including U.S. Air Force Special Operations crews. Together, as Ascent, Lockheed Martin and VT will bring complementary skills and relevant experience to deliver the highest level of training possible for the MoD.

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